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BOOKS ABOUT ANCIENT GREECE available from - in association with


Greece was the first country in Europe, which could be called civilized in the modern sense of the word. Though there had been isolated 'civilized' cities elsewhere in Europe, notably Troy in modern day Turkey, Greece's great influence on the world came through a clutch of strong city states, notably Athens. Ancient Greece became the first great European empire, under Alexander the Great, with its influence reaching as far east as India. Greece's advances in literature, theatre, philosophy, architecture, sculpture, law, politics, and science are respected to this day - as is its wonderful mythology.

- Paul Rance,

Ancient Greeks (Primary History S.)
~Pat Taylor
Heinemann Library
Paperback - March 1994
In the Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks (Gods & Goddesses Of... S.)
~Fiona MacDonald
Hodder Wayland
Paperback - July 18, 2002
How the Greeks Built Cities
~R.E. Wycherley
W.W. Norton & Company Ltd
Paperback - January 31, 1980

BOOKS ABOUT ANCIENT GREECE available from - in association with

Product photo History of the Peloponnesian War, The : Revised Edition (Penguin Classics)
Product photo The Greek Myths
Robert Graves
Product photo The Fragility of Goodness : Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy
Martha C. Nussbaum
Product photo The Spartans: The World of the Warrior-Heroes of Ancient Greece, from Utopia to Crisis and Collapse
Paul Cartledge

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