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The Vikings
The Vikings

My Mother thought Kirk Douglas looked quite handsome with an eye out, but it did nothing for me.

The film, however, was a different matter. Slightly clichéd in the Vikings being portrayed as violent, and with little regard to women's rights (Vikings had more regard to women's rights than probably any culture in the world at the time), this film is still a historical epic with an excellent twist at the end.

Douglas (Einar) and Tony Curtis (Eric) are two half-brothers, and work well together, as they were to do later in another historical epic, 'Spartacus'. Ernest Borgnine is as tough as old boots as Ragnar, Janet Leigh is lovely as Morgana, and she doesn't quite see the charm of Einar, who is happy to take her hate if he can't have her love. Also look out for Dandy Nichols as Bridget, and, of course, Mario Nascimbene's music is unforgettable.

- Paul Rance/

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The Vikings Main Cast List
Kirk Douglas as Einar
Tony Curtis as Eric
Ernest Borgnine as Ragnar
Janet Leigh as Morgana
James Donald as Egbert
Alexander Knox as Father Godwin
Maxine Audley as Enid
Frank Thring as Aella
Eileen Way as Kitala
Edric Connor as Sandpiper
Dandy Nichols as Bridget
Per Buckhoj as Bjorn

Directed by Richard Fleischer

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The Vikings

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